About us

Get acquainted with our esteemed Global Leadership Team, and delve into our unwavering dedication to corporate sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and various other important aspects.

Our Mission Building Trust in Society and Addressing Vital Challenges

We are one of the world’s leading professional services networks, with a presence in 3 countries. We stand as one of the world’s preeminent professional services networks. Our core mission is to empower organizations and individuals to realize the value they seek through the delivery of high-quality Assurance, Tax, and Advisory services. Here are some key insights about SS&Co.


Alumni typically refer to individuals who have graduated from a particular educational institution, such as a school, college, or university. Alumni often maintain a connection with their alma mater, participating in alumni associations or networks. These groups can provide opportunities for networking, mentoring, and supporting the institution through donations or involvement in various activities. Alumni often play a crucial role in preserving the traditions and reputation of their former educational institutions.

Analyst relations (AR) is a strategic business practice centered around managing relationships between a company and industry analysts. Industry analysts are experts who provide insights and research on specific markets, technologies, or sectors. The primary goals of AR are to influence analyst perceptions, share information, gain insights, and build advocacy to enhance a company’s reputation and market positioning. AR is particularly important in industries where independent analysis and reviews significantly impact business outcomes, such as the technology sector. Companies often have dedicated AR professionals to foster and maintain these critical relationships.

An annual review, often referred to as a performance appraisal or evaluation, is a formal and structured assessment conducted by employers to evaluate an employee’s job performance and provide feedback. This process typically occurs on an annual basis and involves a discussion between the employee and their supervisor or manager. During the annual review, various aspects of the employee’s work, including accomplishments, strengths, areas for improvement, and goal setting, are discussed. The purpose of an annual review is to promote open communication, set performance expectations, and support employee development and growth within the organization. It is a valuable tool for both employees and employers to align their expectations and enhance overall performance.

Client case studies are detailed narratives or reports that highlight real-world experiences of businesses or individuals with a particular product, service, or organization. These studies typically outline the challenges, solutions, and outcomes of a specific client’s interaction with a company. They are often used in marketing and sales to showcase successful customer relationships, demonstrate the benefits of a product or service, and provide concrete examples of how a company has met its clients’ needs. Client case studies serve as persuasive tools to build credibility and trust with potential customers and to illustrate the value and effectiveness of a company’s offerings.

“Committing to Net Zero by 2030” signifies a firm and ambitious pledge made by an entity, whether it’s a company, government, or organization, to achieve a state of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030. This commitment involves taking significant steps to reduce and offset carbon emissions so that the entity’s overall carbon footprint is effectively neutral, with any remaining emissions being balanced by carbon removal or offset initiatives. This goal is aligned with global efforts to combat climate change, as outlined in international agreements like the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming and reduce the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

Corporate sustainability, or CSR, is a commitment by businesses to operate in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible way, balancing profit with ethical and sustainable practices.

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) represent a commitment to recognizing, embracing, and valuing the differences among individuals, such as those related to race, gender, age, ethnicity, and more. Inclusion ensures that every person is welcomed, respected, and has an equal opportunity to participate, fostering environments where all individuals can thrive, contribute, and reach their full potential. D&I efforts enhance creativity, innovation, and overall organizational success by celebrating the unique perspectives and talents people from diverse backgrounds bring.

Ethics and compliance refer to an organization’s commitment to conducting its operations with integrity, adhering to ethical principles, and complying with relevant laws and regulations. This includes fostering a culture of honesty, responsibility, and accountability within the organization, as well as ensuring that all activities are in accordance with legal requirements. Ethical behavior and compliance are critical for building trust, minimizing risks, and upholding a positive reputation for the organization.

The leadership team comprises top executives responsible for guiding the organization’s strategy, decision-making, and overall management. This team, including the CEO and other key leaders, plays a central role in defining the company’s vision and ensuring its successful execution.

“New Ventures & Innovation” is a term that describes an organization’s efforts to explore and develop novel business opportunities and creative solutions to meet evolving market demands. This includes initiatives such as launching new products or services, entering new markets, and embracing innovative technologies and strategies to stay competitive and drive growth. In today’s dynamic business landscape, a focus on new ventures and innovation is often essential for staying ahead and adapting to changing trends and customer preferences.

“Purpose and values” refer to the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide an organization’s mission and actions. Purpose is the overarching reason for an organization’s existence, often reflecting its broader societal or environmental impact. Values are the core principles that define how the organization and its members behave and make decisions. Together, purpose and values shape the company’s culture and provide a moral compass for its operations, helping it make ethical and strategic choices aligned with its mission.

“SS&Co. has multiple office locations strategically positioned to serve our clients. Our network of offices spans key regions, ensuring accessibility and local expertise. Find us where you need us for personalized service and comprehensive solutions.”

Regulatory affairs is a crucial field within industries like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and food, responsible for ensuring compliance with government regulations and standards. It involves tasks such as managing product approvals, quality control, and navigating the complex web of regulations to bring products to market and maintain their legality and safety.

Strategic partnerships are collaborative alliances formed between two or more organizations to achieve mutually beneficial goals. These partnerships leverage the strengths of each entity to create synergistic opportunities, enhance market presence, and achieve strategic objectives that may be challenging to attain independently.

“Structure and legal entities” refers to the organizational design and legal framework underpinning a business. It encompasses decisions about the company’s structure, such as its incorporation, ownership, and the type of legal entity (e.g., corporation, LLC). This framework influences key aspects like liability, governance, and taxation. Choosing the right structure and legal entity is vital for aligning with business goals and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

Yearly Evaluation

A Year of Collaborative Solutions

Our community of problem-solvers. See how we united to address some of the most formidable challenges confronting businesses and society, spanning from cybersecurity to climate change. The Annual Review also presents our financial performance, humanitarian and volunteering initiatives, and our unwavering commitment to quality as we help our clients build trust and achieve enduring success.

Pledging for Carbon Neutrality

We are modifying our fundamental services to incorporate climate change assessment in a variety of ways, ranging from incorporating climate risk assessments into transaction due diligence procedures to evaluating environmentally friendly incentives and restructuring supply chains within our tax services.

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